嘉芙姐姐香港交通工具兒歌 粵拼歌詞
Miss Ka Foo Hong Kong Transportation Songs Jyutping Lyrics
Jyutping Lyrics with English translation
- 小司機 Little Driver
- 山頂纜車 Peak Tram
- 交通安全 Traffic Safety
- 坐巴士 Taking the Bus
- 我是架火車 I'm a Train
- 我愛坐巴士 I Love Taking the Bus
- 直升機 Helicopter
- 挖土機 Excavator
- 香港交通工具歌 Hong Kong Transportation Song
- 消防車 Fire Truck
- 救護車 Ambulance
- 雪糕車 Ice Cream Truck
- 搭小巴 Taking the Minibus
- 搭的士 Taking a Taxi
- 搭飛機 Taking the Plane
- 搭渡輪 Taking the Ferry
- 搭港鐵 Taking the MTR
- 搭電車 Taking the Tram
- 電單車 Motorcycle
- 輕鐵真有趣 Light Rail is Fun
- 踩單車 Riding a Bicycle
香港交通工具兒歌 粵拼歌詞 Hong Kong Transportation Songs Jyutping Lyrics